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  • Writer's pictureCraig Stones

The Safe and Easy Way to Migrate to Windows 10

Implement Windows 10 without harming productivity

Facing Change – The Windows 10 Era

The idea of migrating large corporates to Windows 10 operating system is causing stress for many for those tasked with responsibility to ensure the safe and secure migration for large corporates.

With the end of Windows 7 Professional and 8.1 as of October 31st 2016; all new PC machines will now be shipped with Windows 10 and downgrading to 7 or 8 is no longer a viable option.

Windows 10 is now the leading operating system for corporate workplaces bringing a long list of services to multiple devices. Windows 10 streamlines activities, increases productivity and makes sensitive information more secure than ever.  

The only way to properly manage and streamline the software of corporations into a standard operating environment (SOE) is to upgrade all devices to the modern standpoint of Windows 10. Teba knows how to make that process safe and easy, without harming business productivity.

Migrating to Windows10The Concerns

The migration to Windows 10 holds two major concerns for IT Managers; applications being compatible with the new system, and the process of migration itself without interrupting productivity. Some companies require the use of dozens, if not hundreds, of applications across multiple devices. This changeover could have potentially dire consequences if not handled correctly.

Microsoft’s current policy of keeping its systems up to date, has led them to enforce every second update as non-optional. This often leaves limited time for IT departments to vet a large amount of apps, while the vetting methods themselves are also time-consuming and costly.

Teba, in combination with Citrix, has an answer to each of the concerns faced by companies needing to evolve and migrate to Windows 10. With three products geared specifically towards this process, Citrix has the optimal services to assist you in migrating your organisation to Windows 10 without hassle or worry.  

The CITRIX Solutions – Avoiding Hiccups and Hassle

Application DNA saves time by testing applications’ compatibility with Windows 10 before you install it.

AppDNA imports applications for analysis and dissection, essentially studying at their fundamental level (or DNA) and checking its compatibility with the new system. This works with any news system be it Windows10, the new server 2016 platform or the latest version of any internet browser.

AppDNA provides a report on each application, delivering a rating of green (good to go), amber (needs work) or red (incompatible).

This report discovers if an application can migrate appropriately or not, and it also pinpoints exactly what changes need to be made in order to make that app work in the new environment.

One of the great advantages of AppDNA is that this process is not employed to applications one at a time; it’s done in bulk, saving a huge amount of time, money and effort. Companies will be able to find out quickly and efficiently how ready they are to make the changes.

More information available here.

2. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) – XenDesktop

VDI allows you to run a copy of Windows 10 virtually (in your data centre or cloud), this enables users to experience Windows10 without having it installed on their local computer.

Virtual desktops are not a new initiative; however, Citrix applies a new level of access and ease of use that is a game changer to the process. By moving the virtual desktop of Windows 10 to a datacentre, or cloud, rather than installing it on every computer, means that the same experience can be delivered to thousands of people at once, with only the one copy of the virtual desktop itself ever requiring any changes.

VDI is a simple and manageable method to ease a company into the new system without losing a step of productivity along the way.

More information available here.

XenApp is an initiative that allows users to run applications virtually, without installing them on the machine.  

Apps and desktops no longer need to be inextricably linked to a single device or system. Xen App allows for a virtual delivery of applications without the dependency on the operating system to run it.  The applications are moved into a data centre and delivered via the Internet through the Citrix receiver or HTML5 browser directly to end users.

By not installing them directly into the devices, you can have two different versions of the same app running simultaneously in the different environments. Since the applications are decoupled from the local operating system; you can continue to run your legacy applications on the new operating system while you are still testing and migrating to the new versions.

This cuts testing time without damaging productivity. It also keeps the new version out of the device’s current system, making migration an easy and safe procedure.

This means during a Windows 10 enforced update, the applications will continue to run as they did previously, as they are not tied to the local operating system ensuring productivity.

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